Destroyermen Tactical Game

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Destroyermen Tactical Game

The fighting engagements in the Destroyermen series offer unique land battles with opposing forces using everything from swords to submachineguns.

I'm working on a Tactical game that I hope will capture this flavor.

Here is the list of weapons I have created based on the specifications appendixes from the books.

Small Teeth and Claws
Bows or Slings
Plug Bayonet Musket
Socket Bayonet Musket
Soket Bayonet Rifled Musket
Socket Bayonet Breech Loading Rifle
Socket Bayonet Medium Bolt Action Rifle
Socket Bayonet Heavy Bolt Action Rifle
Blitzerbug SMG
Thompson SMG
Socket Bayonet Heavy Semi-Auto Rifle
Socket Bayonet Medium  Semi-Auto Rifle
Field guns of various caliber

I plan to have a ranged stat and a close combat stat for each weapon. Unit sizes would be based on the technology level of the weapons they carry. The lowest tech units, armed with swords and bows would be at battalion strength of 300 troops. Muskets units would be company size of 100 troops. SMG's, Semi-auto rifles, and gun batteries would be platoons of 20 to 30 troops.

I'll post more to this thread as I solidify the rules.
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Re: Destroyermen Tactical Game

Those books sound strange!

I have had ideas along those lines (about forces) for various skirmish games.
Basing one knight, or 3 men at arms, or 5 archers or 10 peasants to even up the balance, reduce the amount of bases and control the tactical flexibility of poor troops.
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Re: Destroyermen Tactical Game

In reply to this post by Manycubes
I have also been experimenting with naval rules. The cool thing which is also difficult to simulate is, sea battles can include everything from sailing ships with black powder cannon, to liquid fuel powered WW2 ships with rifled naval guns.

Movement speed and gun range disparities are quite extreme.