One Page Spaceship Battles

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One Page Spaceship Battles

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Here's a copy of my One Page Spaceship Battles that I created.

I created them for simple large scale battles in my role playing games. I have only play tested an earlier version once. It was designed to mimic the kind of "space opera" battles you see in Star Wars with fast nimble fighters dodging in and out of slow moving dreadnoughts.

I included a point cost which is just all the other attributes added up and multiplied by the Hull Points (HP). Normally the RPG scenario would determine the forces so I am not sure how well my point cost system works.

I have another page of optional rules that incorporate player characters but I am still fleshing it out.

Any feedback is welcome!

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Re: One Page Spaceship Battles

Could be interesting.
The format makes it hard to follow for me.
I'd probably end up simplifying the primary/secondary/tertiary system but can't think how at the moment.
I remember running a game of battlefleet gothic style rules decades ago, the first thing players wanted to do was ram each other!
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Re: One Page Spaceship Battles

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry for the late reply. Been a while since I visited this form.